22. Hua Fang, Yang-Fan Cheng*, Chen Tao, Yue Gong, Ti-Fei Han, Zhao-Wu Shen. Effects of content and particle size of cenospheres on the detonation characteristics of emulsion explosive. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2021, 39(2): 197-214. (SCI, Q2)
23. Jian Su, Yang-fan Cheng*, Shi-xiang Song, Hong-hao Ma, Wen-tao Wang, Yu-xiang Wang, Shi-xu Zhang. Explosion Characteristics and Influential Factors of Coal dust/sodium Chlorate Mixture on Basis of an Explosion Accident in China. Combustion Science and Technology, 2021, 193(8): 1313-1325. (SCI, Q2)
24. Yang-fan Cheng, Chen Tao, Rong Liu*, Yu-le Yao, Hua Fang, Hong-hao Ma, Zhao-wu Shen. Novel Jet Cutter Cartridge for Eliminating Deepwater Stuck-Pipe Hazards. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2021, 57(1): 122-128. (SCI, Q3)
30. Hua Fang, Yang-fan Cheng*, Chen Tao, Yu-le Yao, Hong-hao Ma, Ti-fei Han, Zhao-wu Shen, Yuan Chen. Synthesis and Characterization of Pressure Resistant Agent with Double-layer Core/shell Hollow-structure for Emulsion Explosive. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020, 45 (5): 798-806. (SCI, Q2)